mon regard sur notre monde / pour des éléments d'exploration, d'information et de réflexion


La lumière au bout du tunnel

photo: (inconnu)

Haute mer



Jeu d’eau

photo: Rafal Milach

Deep blue

photo: Dylan O’Donnell

Une forme de paradis


photo: (inconnu)

Happy feet

Bocas del Toro (Panama) 2011

Ile Bonaire (Antilles néerlandaises)

Gordes (France) 2011

Mamanuca Islands (Fidji) 2010

Thaïlande 2008

Tulum (Mexique) 2006

toutes les photos sont de Claire Evelyn

“I’ve always loved travelling and being on the go. So, of course, my feet are what makes that possible.

I started taking pictures of my feet, just randomly, some years ago. Since then, it’s become a bit of a tradition.

Over the years, I’ve collected many photos of my feet on holidays, always with a background representing the country behind them. I’ve called that folder “Happy Feet”, but I think itchy feet represents it better. I’ll be forever an exploring traveller, so this photo folder will definitely expand… and expand…

The main rule is: barefoot! No better feeling than having your feet free to feel the grass, the sand, the sea, and all the delicious textures the world is covered with.”

Claire Evelyn

Monsieur le dauphin

photo: (inconnu)


photo: (inconnu)